I used to cringe when I would see a toddler (or worse a preschooler) sucking away on a pacifier. I would instantly judge the parent and vow that my kids would never be dependent on a pacifier. Let me just say that karma is a bitch.
I don’t know how it happened but both my sons are closeted binky junkies. (I say closeted because they’re only allowed to get their fix when they’re in bed.) This arrangement has worked well for all involved. As long as they both have their mimies (that’s what Topher named his when he was 9 months old and the name has stuck) they go to sleep like a dream. Nap time, bed time, no problem! Why would I want to do anything to disturb that?
But I’ve tried, many times. The first time was right before Max was born. I cut all the nipples off Topher’s binkies. But then when he couldn’t sleep and I was up with a newborn and a toddler I gave in and bought him a new one. We tried a year later when Max was one and Topher had just turned three. But then we moved and the transition was really hard on the boys. They had trouble sleeping and so once again the mimies reappeared. After we were all settled in I was bound and determined to get rid of them once and for all. So we had a visit from the binky fairy. She left a letter telling them to gather all of their binkies and put them in her basket. She promised to take the binkies to the new babies and leave Topher and Max a nice surprise. This worked for Topher for quite a few months. (I had already given in to Max that same night, and continued to stash a binky in his crib.) Then one day, a couple of months ago, I really wanted/needed to take a nap so I told Topher if he took a nap with me I’d let him use his binky “just this once.” I’m ashamed to admit that I made him promise not to tell daddy.
Anyway since then it’s been as though the binky fairy never came. Topher continues to use when he thinks no one is looking. We’ve caught him hiding in his closet to get his fix. Today he had one in each hand and was hiding around a corner. I watched as he closed his eyes and blissfully sucked one of the mimies, he would then replace it with the one in his other hand, close his eyes and suck thoughtfully as though comparing two different kinds of fine wine. I decided then and there that the binkies had to go. So I waited until he wasn’t looking and gathered them all up. He hasn’t asked for one yet, but when he does I’ll just tell him that the binky fairy came and took them again.
Meanwhile I had to put Max down for a nap without one and I can still hear him screaming. "Mimi! Mimi! Mimi!" Poor thing.
I justify that it’s not that bad. They only use it at night/naps. That can’t really hurt they’re teeth can it? Really what’s the big deal? So they like to suck on a little rubber nipple while they fall asleep? What’s wrong with that? As long as they’re not using in public, what’s the harm? I can’t sleep without my bleaching trays in, isn’t that kind of the same thing?
See? I've just talked myself out of going through with this. I’m going to give Max his binky so he can sleep, because I can’t convince myself that there’s really anything wrong with him having it.
Chris is going to be MAD when he reads this.
Sorry Honey.
And I wonder why I can't lose weight? Bad Mommy! Bad!