I have really been enjoying reading everyone's list of 25 things on facebook, and being the follower that I am, here's my list:
1. I like knowing other people's "bidnez" (translation: business). If someone has a secret I want to know it. I check my blog list and friend's facebook status for updates at least 8-10 times a day. If I could spy on you or read your diary, I would. I don't consider myself a gossip or a drama seeker, I just really like getting a glimpse into the life and mind of others.
2. Likewise, I feel like my life is generally an open book. I have nothing to hide, and will usually answer any question openly and honestly.
3. I know without a doubt that I am doing what I've always wanted to do most with my life by being a wife and mother, but that doesn't mean that I don't often admire the green grass on the other side of the fence.
4. I love listening to Dr. Laura's radio show even though I think it's made me a very judgmental person.
5. I have gotten pregnant three times without trying. Twice while I was on the pill, and once when we were using a diaphragm. I often feel guilty about this because I have many friends who have not been able to get pregnant easily or at all.
6. If Chris would let me I would be a surrogate mother for a couple that I know.
7. A small part of me is relieved that he won't agree to it, because I know that it would be a lot of work to actually go through with it even though I am 100% sincere in my willingness to do it.
8. Despite my easy pregnancies, I have really hard labors and probably would have died giving birth to both my children if it weren't for modern medicine.
9. I hate going to the gym. I always thought that if I started going consistently it would get easier and that I might even learn to like it, but that is not the case. I've been going consistently 3-5 times a week for months now and each time I have to have a 30 minute dialogue with myself before I can be talked into going begrudgingly.
10. I love to eat. Always have. I can't even say that I am an emotional eater. I eat for the sheer enjoyment of eating, because it is so much fun and feels so good. In fact, I endure the gym as much as I do, not to lose weight, but to be able to eat more.
11. Because of numbers 9 and 10 I will probably always be 20 - 30 pounds overweight. That bothers me sometimes, but never enough to really make the sacrifices necessary to change.
12. I love Ellen DeGeneres, and not the same way you do. I really love her in the most intense way that someone can love a person they've never met. I don't know why. Maybe I knew her in a past life. I have dreams where we're braiding each other's hair or cuddling. And in these dreams I just feel so loved. It's nothing sexual, although I might put up with that if it meant I could have her as my best friend.
13. If I had to choose between the two, I would rather my children be nice and unselfish than smart and successful.
14. I put on a full face of make up every single day. Even the days when I don't leave the house and Chris works his second job and I don't see him at all. I just can't stand looking at myself without it. It only takes me about 4 minutes so I think it's well worth the trouble.
15. My in-laws have always been very nice and loving towards me despite the fact that when we first got married they didn't think I was good enough for their son/brother.
16. I do think that when it comes to our marriage, I got the better end of the deal. How did a girl like me end up with such a stud muffin like Chris?
17. I feel very uncomfortable and often afraid around animals. These feelings have gotten worse the older I am. One of the conditions upon Chris marrying me was that we would never have pets. He agreed even though he's convinced I'm going to change my mind. I'm not. (Although I might be able to get over this if it was a deal breaker for Ellen.)
18. A perfect day for me always includes a 30 minute power nap.
19. I truly believe that money can buy happiness and am prepared to challenge anyone who thinks otherwise. Just give me a few million dollars and I'll happily prove my theory. (This only applies to generally decent people. If someone's a miserable jerk, no amount of money could make them happy.)
20. When I was a little girl I repeatedly tripped and fell on my face (at least this is the way my parents tell the story.) I busted up my lip in the same spot so many times that I looked like I had a permanent fat lip. This never bothered me until I was thirteen and noticed it in a three way mirror. I suddenly became obsessed with my deformity and extremely self conscience about it. When I was sixteen my parents took me to a doctor who cut out the scar tissue and made just one line of stitches on the inside of my lip. This helped a little, but it still bothers me.
21. I have many regrets from my youth but I don't think I would have been able to do anything differently. At the time I couldn't be told what to do and insisted on learning things the hard way.
22. I really dislike talking on the phone. I avoid calling people "just to chat" because I'm afraid of interrupting something their doing. Also I find it impossible to have a conversation on the phone when my kids are around because they always take it as an opportunity to be as annoying as possible. I would much rather correspond in person or via email.
23. Because of this I am a terrible friend when it comes to long distance relationships. (Right, Jessica?) Hell, you can live in the same valley as me and unless we work together or go to church together we probably only see each other a couple of times a year. (Know what I mean, Melissa?) But in my mind our relationship is frozen in time and can be picked up where it was left off as soon as our paths cross again.
24. 90% of the time I think everything that my children say and do is so funny/smart/cute. The other 10% of the time I want to lock myself in my room with a pillow over my head.
25. I would not want to survive an accident which would leave me severely burned or disfigured.
Slow Start
1 week ago
1. I like knowing other people's "bidnez" (translation: business). If someone has a secret I want to know it. I check my blog list and friend's facebook status for updates at least 8-10 times a day. If I could spy on you or read your diary, I would. I don't consider myself a gossip or a drama seeker, I just really like getting a glimpse into the life and mind of others. (Remember when I let you read some of my journal?)
6. If Chris would let me I would be a surrogate mother for a couple that I know. (You should do it! That is truly amazing service! Tell Chris he can have a pet if he lets you do this!)
12. I love Ellen DeGeneres, and not the same way you do. I really love her in the most intense way that someone can love a person they've never met. I don't know why. Maybe I knew her in a past life. I have dreams where we're braiding each other's hair or cuddling. And in these dreams I just feel so loved. It's nothing sexual, although I might put up with that if it meant I could have her as my best friend. ( you are both really funny! If I were gay, she would probably be my type. Or Sarah Palin..whoever")
14. I put on a full face of make up every single day. Even the days when I don't leave the house and Chris works his second job and I don't see him at all. I just can't stand looking at myself without it. It only takes me about 4 minutes so I think it's well worth the trouble.
( Do you still do the steam curlers?)
15. My in-laws have always been very nice and loving towards me despite the fact that when we first got married they didn't think I was good enough for their son/brother.
(Umm..not to knock your spouse or anything, but you are FREAKING AMAZING!He is lucky to have you!)
17. I feel very uncomfortable and often afraid around animals. These feelings have gotten worse the older I am. One of the conditions upon Chris marrying me was that we would never have pets. He agreed even though he's convinced I'm going to change my mind. I'm not. (Although I might be able to get over this if it was a deal breaker for Ellen.) (She loves dogs..so I guess it comes down to the choice we all face in life...lesbianism and pets..or heterosexuality and no pets?)
18. A perfect day for me always includes a 30 minute power nap. (Mine would include a 3 hour power nap)
21. I have many regrets from my youth but I don't think I would have been able to do anything differently. At the time I couldn't be told what to do and insisted on learning things the hard way. (ohh..tell us more about the "regrets"? We want the PT's!!)
25. I would not want to survive an accident which would leave me severely burned or disfigured. (Think about it..losing an eye or maybe a hand would be totally boss.. you can scare small children, emotionally blackmail Chris into staying married to you, and get Disability and say at home watching Maury Paternity tests all day...sounds like the sweet life to me!)
Thanks for entertaining me with your blog, as always!!
Posted by SB at 7:47 AM
I just think you should know that an avalanche of my friends have posted their "25 random things" lists in the last few days, and yours is one of the only ones I had any interest in reading. And you certainly didn't disappoint!
And I certainly won't be doing one of these lists. 25 random things?! It would take me about four days to come up with that many.
Nice Doug, real nice. So Shannon's is the ONLY list of your friends that you enjoyed reading?! Is it now? Wow. That's cool. About that trip you're taking to New York next weekend, maybe you should CANCEL IT.
And Shannon, don't sell yourself short. Chris is lucky to have you.
BriBri, he said ONE of the only ones he wanted to read. :)
Lori, I do remember when you let me read your journal and as I recall it said something about wanting to bash my head in with a sledge hammer. I'm sure I deserved it.:) I don't use steam curlers anymore. I rarely do anything more than a pony tail these days. You make a good point about #25, I hadn't thought of it that way. Sarah Palin? Really?
I'm flattered, Doug. You should make a list too. I know it's a little self indulgent, but it's fun. I'm sure if you sat down to do it you could come up with lots of interesting facts about yourself, and I for one would be very interested in reading it.
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