So if you had been an angel silently taking notes at our house this morning. This is what you would have written down to take back and report to the big guy.
Shannon: “Come on, everybody! Let’s go. If we don’t leave now we’ll have to sit on the hard chairs.”
Up until this time Chris had been helping the kids get their coats on and had thought that we would be skipping sacrament meeting and just going to the last two hours as usual.
Chris: “Whoa, whoa, whoa. We’re going to Sacrament meeting? Why?! It’s hard enough to space out for two hours. I can’t do it for three!”
Shannon: “Yeah Chris, we’re going. Come on. It’s been a long time since we’ve been to the full three hours.”
Chris: “Yeah, there’s a reason for that. No, I’m not going. I’ll stay home with one of the kids—“
Topher: “—Yay!! I get to stay home with Daddy!!”
Shannon: “No, we’re all going. Come on, Chris. I have to go at least once a month to remember why I don’t like going. It makes it easier to justify not going the other weeks.”
So we went, although Chris conveniently “forgot” the bag containing the lesson manual and had to go back home for it after dropping me and the kids off. The question is, do we get positive points for attending, or negative points for our attitudes? And are angels really silent notes taking? I guess that question is irrelevant since now I’m not-so-silently posting our grievances on our public blog. Just trying to make the angel’s job a little easier.
I have only been going to last two hours for months! My sister Danielle delights in telling me "people can't believe you are a returned missionary" and "when you came for the first time last week, everyone was like "wow, when did your sister move back to town?"...maybe Satan knows me pretty well, because its comments like that (from my sister) that make me say "eh...two hours is good enough". On a side note, I don't know how anyone with kids goes to church at all. It's a circus getting myself there..much less a troop of unwilling toddlers! p.s. tienes que escribir mas! p.p.s.- Mi hermana me llamo y dije "Pienso que algunos Mexicanos estabana hablando de mi..que quiere decir "la cocina", porque estababan diciendo esto?" Is it wrong that I told her "whore" ?
Oh I know the feeling. I agree with Lolee, I have no idea how poeple make it all 3 hours with kids, I only have one and I'm about to tear my hair out. Not to mention, that our building isn't a normal chapel and there are so many more dangerous things my child can get into. It's a house so no hallways, no nursing room, the only choice is to go outside, which is only comfortable a few months out the year. Plus my son has a severe milk allergy and everyone brings their children's breakfasts with them and I have to make sure he doesn't eat anything and that they don't slobber all over him and by the end of sacrament meeting I'm about ready to get the heck out of there, but they put us in the primary, so we have can't leave. Okay, I feel much better getting that all out. Thanks Shannon, that was very therapeutic.
That sounds a lot like my house, only I play the part of (evil) Chris and I convince everyone to stay home. I also try to get everyone to play (evil) rock band with me and end up napping when they refuse.
All I have to say is that I am single and have no one else to get ready...and I still miss sacrament meeting. I actually really like my ward so I feel bad being late... but I just can't help it. Kudos for making it at all... that is what my mom always says-and she is an angel. :)
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