Anyone who knows Chris knows that he is a very passionate person. He’s a thinker, a philosopher, and a seeker of knowledge. He loves studying new ideas, theories, and philosophies. I am definitely not his intellectual equal nor would I ever pretend to be. His last blog post is a good example of the type of thing he ponders on a regular basis. In fact, he wrote that post one night when he couldn’t sleep. He was anxious to have me read it, hoping to have a thoughtful discussion on the topic and all I could say was, “this is what you think about when you can’t sleep?!” I’m just waiting for the day that he leaves me for someone smarter and deeper.
And while I love and admire this characteristic about him, I have to admit that it can sometimes be a little annoying -- like when he gets really excited (passionate) about a new idea or principle and immediately applies it to his own life (i.e.: becoming a vegetarian after reading The China Study). Which I suppose isn’t a bad thing, after all, what’s the point of acquiring new knowledge if you’re unwilling to apply it to your own life? But for the innocent bystander wife, happily plugging along in blissful ignorance, it can be a little exhausting. I’m usually very supportive, but his newest –I don’t even know what to call it –Stance? Platform? Cause? hits a little too close to home for comfort. Chris is trying to ban refined sugar from our lives.
It started about a week ago when Chris found an article on line. (I don’t know where because I refused to read it.) I guess it was pretty scientific and had a lot of information about the evils of refined sugar comparing it to a poison or a drug like crack cocaine and stuff like that. He found the article very alarming and eye opening and was disappointed when I wouldn’t get on board. But I told him, “Look, I don’t smoke, drink, do drugs, or gamble. I’m not addicted to sex or shopping. But I like sugar. It’s my only vice. I know it’s bad for me, but of all the evils out there is sugar really that bad? So what? I give up sugar and I live a few years longer? Well what’s the point of living if I can’t enjoy life? and I truthfully am not convinced that my life would be enjoyable without it. So I’m not going to read your stupid article because it’s not going to change my mind!!”
I know what you’re thinking, “spoken like a true addict.”
Well since Chris wasn’t getting anywhere with me he decided to move on to a more malleable audience. I didn’t realize to what extent he had recruited our children to his anti-sugar campaign until the following day when I went to the bank. I requested suckers for the kids but instead of opening his and devouring it quickly like he usually does, Topher stared at it suspiciously. He then looked at me and asked with an accusatory tone, “Mommy, why are you giving me this? Daddy says that sugar is poison.”
Great Chris, now you have our children thinking their mother is trying to poison them. That definitely won’t do anything to mess up their little psyches.
A few days later I called him on his way home from work to ask him if he’d stop and get me a little somethin’ somethin’. It was late and the kids were in bed. I was trying to enjoy the new episode of Modern Family but without a sweet treat it just wasn’t the same. He refused, letting me know in no uncertain terms that he would not support my habit. I begged and pleaded, I even played the pregnancy card to no avail. He stuck to his guns. Later when he got home he tried to soften the blow of his new self imposed lifestyle change by explaining, “You asking me to bring you home a treat is the same as asking a recovering heroin addict to bring home some heroin. I can’t get it for you and not eat it myself. And it’s not fair for you to ask.”
Fine, I realized I could no longer count on Chris to be my supplier. So the next day I made a batch of cookies. I gave away half the batch to neighbors and put the remaining dozen in a zip lock bag and hid my stash in the freezer. I didn’t have to eat them right away; it was comforting enough just knowing they were there for those times that I really need a fix.
Well, dear readers, that time came today. I was having a particularly stressful day. Things kept going wrong and my patience was running thin. In a moment of peace and quiet with Topher at preschool and Max having quiet time I thought how nice it would be to sit down at the computer with a sweet treat. Ah, yes, that would be just what the doctor ordered. After a few minutes of rummaging unsuccessfully through the pantry and cupboards I remembered my stash in the freezer. Grateful for my previous foresight and wisdom I ran to the freezer only to find that my stash was GONE!
There could be only one culprit, Mr. Anti-Sugar Buns himself. I called him at work and sure enough, he confessed to the whole thing. Now being an addict myself I can’t get too mad at him and his apparent hypocrisy. In fact, I was almost moved by the obvious shame I heard in his voice when he came clean to eating the entire bag. So while I was upset that my cookies were gone, I’m smart enough to see how this will help me out in the long run. It’s something I can hold over his head the next time he refuses my pleadings to bring me home a sweet treat. And no, that type of manipulation is not below me.
So did he eat them or throw them away?
I am totally on "team Shannon" with this one. I sit through all of my friends stories about nights out drinking, the weed they tried in college, who they hooked it up with last weekend, and while it burns me a little that I can't have any of that, I still feel ok because I am more than likely, in the course of their stories, tossing back some gummi worms. Sugar isn't evil. Sugar loves us and only wants us to be happy. :)
I once gave up sugar to lose weight. I lost weight... but went back on sugar and gained it back. Be realistic! YOu can certainly cut back a little... but completely denying yourself something that is in almost EVERYTHING is not only almost impossible... but it makes you kinda weird. If I were there Shannon I would supply you... how can he deny a pregnant woman? haha Good luck. :)
He ate them!!
I tried to give up (cut back) sugar for health reasons - couldn't do it. I'm totally with you on this one Shannon.
Seriously, doesn't he know that "happily plugging along in blissful ignorance" is better....sheesh. Leave it to 'deep' people to roughen things for us.
Now.....I know that the majority of subscribers to this blog will always be on team Shannon but please let me have the opportunity to make a few points.
Anyone who knows my dear sweet wife knows that she will not hesitate to embellish on or exaggerate the facts if it gives her a more interesting story to tell. She even gave me the opportunity to approve this post which I did because its funny.
So please take into consideration that #1 I hadn't yet committed to any set rules. I was by no means trying to completely eliminate sugar from my life because as many of you have stated it's impossible and "weird". All I know is that I had a much clearer picture of the damage that refined sugar has done on our bodies and on our society and I was feeling anxiety about it.
My manipulative discussion with Topher went something like this...
Daddy: Topher, I feel really sad and nervous about something.
Topher: Why, what's wrong?
Daddy: I just read something that I didn't even know about until now. A doctor found out that the sugar we put in our food and candy can do some really bad things to us after a long time, more than just give us cavities. I feel bad because I really like sugar and I like for us to eat it a lot but now I am nervous that it might hurt us and I would never want to be responsible for anything bad happening to anyone in my family. They say a little sugar won't hurt us but we should try to only eat as little as we can because it can hurt us and does nothing good for us.
Topher: It's okay we can just eat sugar not all the time but just when there's a birthday or somfing.
I don't see anything wrong whatsoever with planting the seed in my son's brain that even though most people in our culture indulge in it, there is something sinister and untrustworthy about sugar itself which there absolutely is. He should know to be cautious right now while he is young.
As for refusing to buy a treat this request was also coming at the end of a 14 hour work day. It was an arguably inappropriate request to make at that time even outside of this sugar discussion context. I was tired and exhausted and the only thing that would make me feel worse would be to know that I have no control over the things that I want to control.
I haven't been forbidding Shannon to make anything or putting any pressure on her in the way that this post infers I do. All I have done is expressed concern over this dilemma that I am in. I am concerned because I am hooked (thus the cookie raiding). I am not trying to eliminate sugar so that i can be an elitist or because of any "cause" other than concern for the people I love. Maybe spending several hours this weekend in the ER with my father who is falling to pieces has influenced my annoying compulsion to make my family's future happier.
Doesn't anyone else think it seems a little unfair to paint someone like me in this light? I guess I'll just have to get used to being a lovable little extremist as I have been unfairly labeled.
OK, pre-Chris's comment, my reaction is thus: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! There is nothing more frustrating than anticipating a little sweet reward, only to find that it has already been devoured!
And then Desmond Downer had to come in and get all serious and justify himself. I totally agree with you Chris, but you gotta admit, it makes for an awesome story.
I think we all realize that sugar is bad for us. I think what we don't realize is how much sugar is in EVERYTHING! You can say, oh, I'll be good and not eat dessert more than twice a week, but guess what? If you eat any type of non-home-made bread, spaghetti sauce, salad dressing, cereal (even the "healthy" ones), juice, yogurt, SOUP (yes, SOUP), etc without carefully perusing the label, you are most likely eating a bunch of sugar. We as a society have just been trained to expect and desire that sweet addition to just about all prepackaged foods.
I think that in the near future we will be seeing a food backlash in the same vein as the low-fat and low-carb trends. The science is becoming hard to deny and the food industry will have to respond to it. However, I think what we really need to do is just train ourselves to lower our need for sweetness in everything we eat and start finding flavors from seasonings, fruits and vegetables, meats, and healthy oils and fats. If you start making your own food from scratch, you will soon notice a huge difference when you eat packaged food. You get spoiled. That's part of the reason I cook so much--I always know exactly what I'm eating. Good luck, Chris! I'm with you on this one, but I'm gonna have a really hard time giving up the ice cream.
Well I'm on Team Chris. I have very little willpower to give up or cut back or otherwise change the many, many things I should change, so I have a little extra admiration for people who are able to learn something new, immediately recognize how this new information indicts them in some way, and make immediate and drastic changes to the way they live in an effort to correct their errors.
If I could trust myself to actually stick with it, you'd better believe I'd cut or dramatically reduce my intake of sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol, red meat, mayonnaise, butter... And I'd start exercising. And I'd get on a better sleeping schedule. The fact that I haven't bothered to do even one of those things, well... It makes me that much more impressed with Chris' decision to cut out sugar as much as possible.
So I guess I'm also on Team Shannon, because I know how nice it is to have your little addictions to give you just a little comfort, something that you can go to and instantly feel better, get a little pleasure, and treat yourself.
Okay okay. My comment was kinda over dramatic. Obviously I didn't have a chance at winning this thing so I thought I could guilt you into proclaiming me the winner.Maybe this won't be the best argument to use as an audition for the Marriage Ref.
Also Shannon wanted me to confess that in my discussion with Topher I may or may not have used the actual word "poison" which she thinks was a significant detail that I left out.......c'mon what fun are kids if you can't mess with their tiny little minds:)
Life is too short. You can live a healthy life and still eat Sour Patch Kids. Careful Shannon, Chris sounds crazier than those Scientologist people. He is not your master. You do what you want to do, you eat what you want to eat. Go on and get yours girl.
I totally did NOT see your comment! It wasn't about you at all!!!
Haha! This story really made me laugh. I am curious about this article he found though...
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