What's the difference between a 12" pizza and an artist?
... The pizza can feed a family.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The thrill of the hunt?

Why is it that my one year old will eat food that he finds on the floor... in the garbage... under the sofa that he would never touch if I put it in front of him in his high chair? He'll eat a green pea that he finds on the floor but not one on his plate. Just today he found the heel of a loaf of bread (still in the bag) in the top of the garbage and carried it around nibbling it for more than an hour. Weird.


Anonymous said...

This sounds like an issue for Child Protective Services:) Just kidding. My nephews are the same. You need to have a girl. They are the exact opposite. Not only will they not eat things from the trash or floor, they will ONLY eat things served on their disney princess plate or in their pink sippy cup. So strange.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention sidewalk chalk, cat food, and bananas leftover from breakfast on their high chair tray that have turned all brown and squishy....yes, it is a very strange dichotomy.

Dave said...

Not that I can prove this, but I bet he learned it from watching Chris.

Melissa said...

Oh don't we all want what is forbidden...it's just not as appealing if you WANT him to eat it.